Cellulose Nanofiber-reinforced Nylon6 resin

Research & Development

Environmentally friendly fiber reinforced plastic

Cellulose Nanofiber-
reinforced Nylon6 resin

Cellulose nanofiber is a sustainable material derived from plants. Unitika's unique dispersion technology has created a next-generation nylon which combines lightweight and strength.


  • ・Lightweight, high rigidity
    It features higher elastic modulus and lower specific gravity than GF/Ny6.
  • ・High strength
    CNF addition enhances strength.
  • ・High sliding property
    Suitable for sliding parts due to its excellent abrasion resistance.
  • ・Recyclability of material
    Maintains initial physical properties even after being regenerated 100% for three cycles.
Dispersion and Polymerization

Lightweight, high rigidity


High strength


Excellent abrasion resistance


High recyclability


< June 01, 2023 >