AT Series — Antistatic Coating Agents

AT Series — Antistatic Coating Agents

The AT Series coating agents (water-dispersed type) offer excellent antistatic properties even at low humidity and have excellent transparency, adhesion to substrates, and stability over time. These coating agents are effective in preventing or reducing static electricity on film.

[AT Series Antistatic Coating Agents]
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Basic properties

Binder Product Name Surface Resistance
Coating Hardness
(pencil hardness)
Water and Alcohol Resistance
(rubbing test: 50 times)
Polyester AT-8135-20 108-109 HB No change in appearance
Polyolefin AT-81SDJ2-20

Typical applications

1. Use as a topcoat

  • 1. Use as a topcoat
    • 1. Excellent substrate compatibility
      Polyester (PET/PBT) films ⇒ AT-8135-20
      Polyolefin (PE/PP) films ⇒ AT-81SDJ2-20
    • 2. Excellent antistatic performance with a surface resistance of 108 to 109 Ω/□
    • 3. High transparency
    • 4. High surface hardness (HB)
    • 5. Excellent moisture, water, and alcohol resistance
    • 6. Excellent blocking resistance

Moisture and water resistance

  • The antistatic performance of the AT Series is hardly affected by humidity or water.

  • The antistatic performance of typical surfactant-type agents is significantly affected by humidity or water.



The AT Series exhibits excellent transparency.


  • 全光線透過率

    Total light transmittance

  • ヘイズ


2. Use as a primer

  • 2. Use as a primer
    • 1. Excellent ink adhesion (UV inks and general-purpose paints)
    • 2. The surface resistance after ink is applied is from 1010 to 1011 Ω/□. (Ink layer thickness: 0.1 to 2 µm)
    • 3. Excellent substrate compatibility
      Polyester (PET/PBT) films ⇒ AT-8135-20
      Polyolefin (PE/PP) films ⇒ AT-81SDJ2-20

Ink adhesion

The AT Series exhibits excellent ink adhesion (UV inks and general-purpose paints).

Ink Layer Primer Base film Cross-Cut Adhesion Test
UV curable ink None PET 0/100
AT-8135-20 100/100
General-purpose paint 100/100

Antistatic performance by ink layer thickness

The AT Series exhibits excellent antistatic performance with a surface resistance of 1010 to 1011 Ω/□. (Ink layer thickness: 0.1 to 2 µm)


General physical properties

Item Unit AT-8135-20 AT-81SDJ2-20
Binder resin - Polyester Polyethylene
Solid content wt% 9-11 9-11
Viscosity mPa·s 1-10 1-10
pH - 9-11 9-11
Characteristics Suitable for polyester substrates Suitable for polyolefin substrates

*The above figures are typical values and not specified values.