Download Unitika Group Profile

Unitika Group Profile is available online in PDF form (A4 size, 16 pages).
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Unitika Group Profile


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Download (entire document)(Information current as of April 2024)
Entire document【12.3MB】PDF Download
Download (page by page)(Information current as of April 2024)
Cover【2.2MB】PDF Download
Intro P2-3【1.7MB】PDF Download
Introduction of Technology & Sustainability P4-5【1.6MB】PDF Download
Introduction to Polymers [Films] P6-7【1.5MB】PDF Download
Introduction to Polymers [Plastics]
and Performance Materials [Nonwovens] P8-9 【1.9MB】
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Introduction to Performance Material
[Activated Carbon Fibers][Glass Fibers][Glass Beads] P10-11【2.2MB】
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Introduction to Performance Materials [Industrial fibers]
and Fibers & Texitiles P12-13【2.9MB】
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Our Locations / Company Profile P14-15【1.8MB】 PDF Download