ESG Data


2020 2021 2022 Unit
Energy consumption amount (crude oil equivalent) 138 142 136 ML
GHG emissions Scope 1 Domestic 250,365 256,531 243,812 t-CO2e
Overseas 6,629 6,507 7,177 t-CO2e
Domestic + Overseas 256,994 263,038 250,989 t-CO2e
Scope 2
(market base)
Domestic 21,909 25,333 19,370 t-CO2e
Overseas 48,653 50,524 55,537 t-CO2e
Domestic + Overseas 70,563 75,857 74,907 t-CO2e
Scope 1 + Scope 2
(market base)
Domestic 272,275 281,864 263,183 t-CO2e
Overseas 55,282 57,031 62,714 t-CO2e
Domestic + Overseas 327,557 338,895 325,897 t-CO2e
Scope 3 (Unitika unit) - 592,452 586,250 t-CO2e
  Category 1*1 - 396,792 398,569 t-CO2e
Category 2 - 10,833 12,736 t-CO2e
Category 3*2 - 68,396 66,435 t-CO2e
Category 4*1 - 32,962 29,465 t-CO2e
Category 5 - 3,777 4,357 t-CO2e
Category 6 - 178 177 t-CO2e
Category 7 - 606 599 t-CO2e
Category 8*3 - - - t-CO2e
Category 9*4 - - - t-CO2e
Category 10*5 - - - t-CO2e
Category 11*6 - - - t-CO2e
Category 12 - 77,151 72,154 t-CO2e
Category 13*3 - - - t-CO2e
Category 14*3 - - - t-CO2e
Category 15 - 1,757 1,757*7 t-CO2e
Total water intake 28,267 27,147 26,857 thousand m³
Clean water supply 9 8 8 thousand m³
Ground water 4,217 3,613 3,352 thousand m³
Industrial water 46 62 72 thousand m³
Seawater 0 0 0 thousand m³
River water 23,995 23,465 23,155 thousand m³
Total waste water discharge 29,951 29,900 28,854 thousand m³
Discharge to water bodies (COD) 108 110 103 t/y
Discharge to atmosphere NOx 509 488 553 t/y
SOx 10 13 9 t/y
Discharge to atmosphere (dust) 5 6 5 t/y
PRTR Discharge to atmosphere 35 32 31 t/y
Discharge to water bodies 1 1 1 t/y
Transferred 89 8 7 t/y
Waste products produced 7,138 6,883 6,569 t/y
Amount of external recycling 3,506 3,755 3,108 t/y
Amount of incineration or landfill disposal 3,632 3,128 3,461 t/y

*1 Some of the items have been accounted for within the scope of consolidation.
*2 The organizational scope is the Unitika Group.
*3 No applicable activities
*4 Not calculated due to difficulties in collecting data.
*5 Category 10 is not included in the calculations as the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
    Guidance for Accounting and Reporting Corporate GHG Emissions in the Chemical Sector Value Chain stipulates that
    “chemical companies are not required to report on downstream emissions, since reliable figures are difficult to obtain
    due to the diverse application and customer structure.”
*6 Not relevant. Because the products sold by Unitika are primarily materials, there are no products which use electricity
    or fuel, and there are no direct GHG emissions at the use phase.
*7 Provisional value based on FY 2021 data.


  2020 2021 2022 Unit
Females at the management level*1
Number of persons 13 13 27 Persons
Ratio 4.6% 4.6% 5.4%
Number of new employees
(Unitika Ltd.)*2
Number of new employees Female 18 7 13 Persons
Male 65 64 58 Persons
Total 83 71 71 Persons
Ratio of females 21.7% 9.9% 18.3%
 Head office employees Female 6 4 9 Persons
Male 24 21 22 Persons
Total 30 25 31 Persons
Ratio of females 20.0% 16.0% 29.0%
 Production site employees Female 11 2 4 Persons
Male 41 40 32 Persons
Total 52 42 36 Persons
Ratio of females 21.2% 4.8% 11.1%
 Mid-career recruits Female 1 1 0 Persons
Male 0 3 4 Persons
Total 1 4 4 Persons
Ratio of females 100.0% 25.0% 0.0%
Ratio of taking leave for child rearing
(child-rearing leave, etc.)*3
Male Number of persons 3 15 19 Persons
Ratio taking leave 8.1% 36.6% 52.8%
Female Number of persons 5 10 8 Persons
Ratio taking leave 100.0% 111.1% 66.7%
Education and training results
Education investment/person*4 23,000 29,000 31,865 Yen
Education time/person 5.5 6.2 8.8 Hours
Total number of participants 5,650 5,961 12,866 Persons
Total training time 13,519 15,020 20,843 Hours
Results of industrial safety
Number of accidents causing lost work time 6 2 5 Incidents
Rate of lost work time 1.13% 0.38% 0.97%
Response rate of CSR procurement survey
(Main business partners and clients*5)
- - 87.4%

*1 FY 2020 and FY 2021 are for Unitika Ltd. FY 2022 is for the Unitika Group.
*2 Tally based on the fiscal year when joining the company
    (4/1 - 3/31, however new recruits are tallied for the fiscal year of hiring)
*3 Tally of leave taken on a FY base
    Ratio of women taking child-rearing leave (%) = (Number of female employees who have taken child-rearing leave ÷
    Number of female employees who have given birth) x 100
    Ratio of men taking child-rearing leave (%) = (Number of male employees who have taken child-rearing leave ÷
    Number of male employees whose spouse has given birth) x 100
*4 Education investment/person =
    Total education investment / (Employees at all domestic Group companies + Employees posted overseas)
*5 Total of the business partners and clients with an 80% transaction amount in the purchasing department of Unitika
    Ltd., and the business partners and clients with a 72% transaction amount in the purchasing department of Unitika
    Trading Co., Ltd.