Reduction of Environmental Impact

Waste Reduction

In FY2023, the impact of the decrease in industrial waste emissions due to the decrease in production volume was significant, and the amount of off-site processing decreased by 770 tons from the previous year, a 19% reduction compared to FY2019. We will continue to promote the reuse of waste plastics and strive to reduce the amount of industrial waste disposed of outside the plants.

Volume of processed industrial waste products Volume of processed industrial waste products

KPIs of Priority Issues (Materiality)

Amount of industrial waste disposed of outside the plants (All domestic Group companies)
FY 2030 target: 6,621t (10% reduction relative to the FY 2019 level)
FY 2023 actual results: 5,964t (19% reduction relative to the FY 2019 level)

Water Resources

The water used in the Unitika Group’s manufacturing processes is mainly river water and groundwater. After use, the water is purified at an on-site treatment facility and returned to the environment as clean water. The groundwater used at the Tarui Plant is circulated within the site many times to save on new groundwater withdrawals. Water consumption by the Unitika Group has been decreasing annually, and in FY 2023 waste water decreased by 10% compared to the previous year.

Water Resources Water Resources

Reducing Environmental Impact on Air and Water

Domestic plants are pursuing measures, such as switching energy from fuel oil to liquid natural gas and stopping diesel power generation, to reduce emissions of dust, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Unitika Group also works to reduce the environmental impact on water through the appropriate management of wastewater treatment facilities.

Dust emissions Dust emissions

SOx emissions SOx emissions

NOx emissions NOx emissions

Environmental load on water (COD) Environmental load on water (COD)