Approach to Risk Management
The Unitika Group recognizes the possibility that risks may occur, and strives to avoid such risks, minimize their impact, and take other proactive measures, or to deal with them after the fact if they do occur.
Risk Management System
We have set up a risk management system in the Unitika Group under the Risk Management Committee and in accordance with the Risk Management Regulations. With this system, we are ensuring the continuity of the Unitika Group by preventing the occurrence of risks and minimizing the loss and damage incurred when risks occur.
The Chief Risk Management Officer, who is also the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee, has overall control of risk management for the entire Group, under the direction of Unitika’s Representative Director and President, Chief Executive Officer. The risk management managers in each business and management sectors and Group companies have overall control of risk management in their own sector/company.
The Risk Management Committee meets once a year in principle. The Committee organizes countermeasures for risks that the entire Unitika Group should be ready for, and risks that have a substantial impact on business operations. It inspects the progress status of these countermeasures, and considers and deliberates on matters such as those associated with investigating the causes of risks occurring and considering ways to prevent their recurrence. The outcomes of the discussions at the Risk Management Committee are reported to the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors.
In the medium-term management plan G-step30 1st, the Unitika Group raised as an issue reforming the corporate culture and awareness. We have been restructuring the Risk Management System as a part of our efforts to address this issue. So far the Risk Management Committee has been central in identifying and evaluating individual risks and company-wide common risks, and in drawing up a risk map. Each department that handles those risks prepares a risk countermeasures sheet every six months. The Risk Management Committee Secretariat uses this sheet to manage the progress of the risk countermeasures. At the same time, the risk map is renewed and the risks are reviewed to check if there are any new risks that have emerged or any changes in the evaluation of risks. In this way, the Unitika Group is working to understand and minimize the latest risks of the Group overall.
Please refer to Safety & Health and Disaster Readiness for information on how the Unitika Group prepares for potential disasters.
Information Security Management
In accordance with the Unitika Group’s Information Security Declaration, we have established a Basic Policy on Information Security and the internal rules for operating the policy.
Unitika has established a management and operation system centered around the governing body of the Information Security Committee chaired by the officer in charge of Information Systems Department. This system was set up to prepare and implement measures to prevent and respond to information security incidents, as well as protect the Unitika Group’s information assets through education about and raising awareness of information security.
Regarding the protection of personal information, Unitika handles this in accordance with the laws and regulations, such as periodically inspecting the information held and how it is handled, and taking comprehensive measures for security management.
Also, to respond to the rising risks and threats of cyber-attacks, we have been implementing Group-wide countermeasures including in the supply chain and at production sites in Japan and overseas, such as continuously using a vulnerabilities diagnostic service provided by a specialist institution, and ransomware measures (protection from data falsification and deletion, etc.). We are also moving forward with implementing measures for new threats and risks, such as targeted attacks. Unitika is also striving to prevent accidents in our daily business operations, specifically through the strengthening of security tools and implementation of training and e-learning for Group employees in Japan and overseas.