Sustainability Roadmap

We have created a roadmap of the primary measures for achieving the KPI target values.

    FY 2022 FY 2023 - 2025 FY 2026 - 2029 FY 2030
(1) Realizing safe
and secure living
Products that
contribute to food safety
Expanding sales of barrier films
Global expansion of barrier films (1)
(China, Asia)
Global expansion (2)
(EU, North America)
Products that
enhance hygiene
Expanding sales of products related to epidemic prevention
Marketing of materials for natural disaster prevention / response
Expanding sales of materials for natural disaster prevention / response
Expanding sales of products for clean water and VOC countermeasures
Products related to safety (construction etc.) measures
Expanding sales of materials that contribute to
safety in civil engineering and construction
Expanding sales of disaster prevention / response products
(2) Realizing
convenient and
comfortable living
Materials for electrical and electronic parts
Developing and expanding sales of materials related to semiconductors
Developing related to digital high-speed communication
Marketing and expanding sales of materials that contribute to digital high-speed communication-related products
Developing smart textiles
Materials for automotive parts
Expanding lightweight materials
Expanding coating-less materials
Expanding sensor parts and materials
Expanding sales of materials that contribute to EV and automated driving
(3) Realizing living in
coexistence with
the environment
Green products (plastic containing 25% or more biomass and recyclable components)
Expansion of recycling within
the plants
Expanding chemical recycling using pre-consumer materials
(a portion)
Introduction of a mass balance approach
(biomass, recycling)
Increasing the level of chemical recycling technologies
Introduction of chemical recycling equipment
Expanding sales of biomass plastic
(4) Promoting
corporate activities
in coexistence with
the environment
CO2 emissions
(Scope 1 and Scope 2 at all domestic Group companies)
Energy-saving activities
Studies for the introduction of
renewable energy and credits
Conversion to low-emission equipment
Amount of industrial
waste disposed of
outside the plants
(All domestic Group companies)
Strengthening recycling of industrial waste
Introduction of equipment for reducing industrial waste
(5) Human rights Human rights-related
(implemented once throughout the entire Group, including overseas companies, over five years)
Communicating Human Rights Policy and related measures to all domestic Group companies
Overseas affiliated companies
(Human Rights Policy etc.) review
Overseas affiliated companies
Communication of (1) - (5)
(20% × 5 years)
(6) Employee
Number of accidents causing lost work time
(All domestic Group companies)
Removal of unnecessary equipment
Improving the safety of manufacturing equipment
Safety activities to identify and improve hazardous work
Certification as
an Excellent
Health and
Continue certification
Establishment within the company (promotion of initiatives, expansion of measures)
Expansion and implementation of measures (continued)
(7) Diversity Ratio of women at the management level
(entire Group, including overseas companies)
Reformation of the awareness
(women in T positions and immediate superiors)
Carrying out a strategy of active promotions (reviewing promotion standards, etc.)
Strengthening career hiring
Ratio of female new recruits
(career position)
working at the head office (Unitika Ltd.)
Continuing fair employment selection,
continuing planned personnel assignments
Ratio of men taking child-rearing leave
(All domestic Group companies)
Expanding systems,
continuing activities to promote leave-taking
Pools of core human resources
(management, production, digital transformation (DX))
Review of
training and
education plans

Implementation of
training and education plans

(8) Supply chain
CSR procurement
(Main business partners and clients)
Familiarize business partners and clients with the purchasing policy CSR procurement survey

Identify issues,
make improvements

Familiarize business partners and clients with the purchasing policy CSR procurement survey

Identify issues,

Familiarize business partners and clients with the purchasing policy
CSR procurement survey

Identify issues,
make improvements