
Approach to Compliance

The Unitika Group recognizes that the implementation of compliance is the most important issue for management and business, and we will actively work on compliance with laws, regulations, social norms, the Unitika Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, the Unitika Group Code of Conduct, and internal regulations. In addition to fulfilling our social responsibilities, we will strive to maintain and improve the credibility of the Unitika Group.

Unitika Group Charter of Corporate Behavior /
Unitika Group Code of Conduct

In 1998, the Unitika Group created the Unitika Charter of Corporate Behavior, a document that sets forth the basic action policy needed to fulfill our mission in society, and in 2001 we issued the first edition of the Unitika Action Standards. On April 1, 2020, we revised each document as the Unitika Group Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Unitika Group Code of Conduct. The Unitika Group Code of Conduct includes specific action standards that employees should follow as a company, in accordance with the Unitika Group Charter of Corporate Behavior. We are promoting compliance with the Unitika Group Code of Conduct, such as by distributing the Unitika Group Code of Conduct booklet to all executive officers and employees in the Unitika Group, along with a card-sized portable version that can be referred to at all times.

Each year we carry out compliance training during the training for new employees and training for employees by job level. We are also working to ensure that all employees are aware of compliance and that it is firmly established, such as by creating opportunities for electronic learning using the internet (e-learning).

Also, the Compliance Committee is chaired by Chief Compliance Officer. The committee oversees and promotes the Unitika Group’s compliance system in a cross-cutting manner, including management of the Unitika Group Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Unitika Group Code of Conduct, implementation of educational and awareness-raising activities, establishment and execution of the compliance system, and monitoring of the operation of the whistleblower system.

Unitika Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

Through our corporate activities based on our philosophy of contributing to society by connecting people’s lives and technology, we at UNITIKA are dedicated to helping create a sustainable society. We are also dedicated to meeting our social responsibilities with high ethical consciousness while following all relevant laws, regulations, and international rules—including the spirit of such laws, regulations, and rules—both in Japan and beyond.

  • 1. UNITIKA shall develop and provide socially beneficial goods and services in a safe and responsible manner.
    We shall also provide consumers and customers with appropriate information regarding our products and services, and strive to communicate in good faith to earn the confidence of those consumers and customers.
  • 2. UNITIKA shall promote fair, free competition and sound trade, while also ensuring that our relationships and contacts with government agencies and political bodies are sound.
  • 3. UNITIKA shall engage in communication with not only shareholders but also members of society at large, including through proactive and fair disclosure of corporate information.
  • 4. UNITIKA shall manage itself in such a way that the human rights of all people are respected.
  • 5. UNITIKA shall respect the culture and customs of other nations and strive to manage overseas activities in such a way as to promote and contribute to the development of local communities.
  • 6. UNITIKA shall strive to enhance the capabilities of all employees while also respecting the diversity, individuality, and differences of employees.
    We shall also strive to promote safe and comfortable workplaces to ensure the mental and physical well-being of employees.
  • 7. UNITIKA recognizes that environmental issues are a common concern for all mankind and shall proactively address such issues as necessary for the continued existence of the company and its corporate activities.
  • 8. UNITIKA shall be a proactive member of society and contribute to its development as a good corporate citizen.
  • 9. UNITIKA is dedicated to ensuring the systematic management of crises in preparation for the effects of anti-social forces that threaten the lives of citizens and corporate activities, including terrorism and cyberterrorism, natural disasters, and other disasters.
  • 10. UNITIKA’s top management shall manage the company based on the idea that their role is to uphold the spirit of this charter, including by establishing effective governance and ensuring that the details of this charter are effectively shared throughout the company and group companies. Should an event that violates the spirit of this charter arise, causing a loss of trust from society, UNITIKA’s top management shall take the initiative to resolve the situation, including investigating the underlying causes, preventing recurrence, and effectively fulfilling the company’s social responsibilities.

UNITIKA Group Code of Conduct “Our Promise”

Front cover of the Unitika Group Code of Conduct Front cover of the Unitika Group Code of Conduct

We at Unitika each have a promise to fulfill in our individual actions.
Our actions pave the way for the future of the Unitika Group.

We take pride as a member of the Unitika Group, and at the same time we strive to act with responsibility and duty as officers and employees representing the group.

We each always act based on consideration of whether our actions comply with the Code of Conduct, whether they are at variance with generally accepted behavior in society, and whether they seem right to us ourselves.

1. Actions Toward Customers

We will develop and provide socially beneficial technologies, products, and services, and will also take heed of safety and environmental concerns in such activities.

1-1. Quality First We will prioritize quality while complying with the laws and standards relating to our products and services. We will correctly handle data observed in inspection, test, experiment, or the like.
1-2. Honest and Fair Dealing We will strive for honest and transparent communication with all of our customers, and engage in honest dealings, as well as moderate and sensible activities.
2. Actions Toward Society

We will follow the laws and regulations of each country, as well as international norms and company rules, and with a high ethical consciousness, consistently take compliance into account with our activities.

2-1. Laws Relating to Business We will deepen our understanding of laws relating to business and take great care to avoid conflicts.
2-2. Criminal Groups We will take a resolute stance against criminal organizations.
2-3. Disclosure of Information We will disclose Information in appropriate manner and at the appropriate time.
2-4. Contributing to Regional Communities We will deepen our social connection with the regions in which we operate.
2-5. Efforts Regarding Environmental Issues We will strive, both in corporate and individual activities, to preserve and protect the earth’s environment.
2-6. Internationalization We respect the cultures and customs of the international community, and will contribute to the development of their regions.
3. Internal Actions

We will respect diverse personalities and strive to create an open workplace so that everyone can express their thoughts and opinions openly.

3-1. Diversity and Human Rights We will respect the personalities of all employees, and will not tolerate harassment or discrimination.
3-2. Awareness We will not become entangled in traditional ways of thinking, and we will constantly think about what is right and act accordingly.
3-3. Handling of Company Information We will properly manage information in accordance with the rules established by the company.
For confidential information in particular, we will handle it with extreme care in order to avoid external leaks or loss of the information.
4. Administration and Management
4-1. Scope of Application This UNITIKA Group Code of Conduct will be applied to all members of the Unitika Group including board members, executive officers, and employees.
The top management of each group company shall, under its own responsibility, implement this Code of Conduct, and thoroughly enforce it as an internal system.
4-2. Establishment, Revision, and Abolition The establishment, revision, and abolition of this Code of Conduct shall be decided by the Board of Directors of Unitika, Ltd.
4-3. Supervisory Department The department responsible for this Code of Conduct will be the Legal & Compliance Department, and the interpretation of the Code of Conduct shall be subject to the officer in charge of the Legal & Compliance Department.
4-4. Whistleblowing and Measures Against Violations Any member of the Unitika Group who is aware of actions that violate the Code of Conduct are required to report said violations to or consult with either their manager or the whistleblower contact points established by the Unitika Group.
In such a situation the whistleblower is to be protected. In addition, if an act that violates the Code of Conduct is performed, the one responsible may be subject to punitive measures in accordance with the rules, depending on the nature of the conduct in question.

Whistleblower Contact Points

Unitika has enacted the Whistleblower Protection Regulations, which specify provisions to protect whistleblower privacy and prohibit prejudicial treatment of them for making a report. We have set up two reporting contact points (one inside and one outside the Company) to enable employees to immediately report (even anonymously) any dishonest or illegal conduct they become aware of. We respond in a timely and appropriate manner to any consultations or notifications of such conduct.

The number of whistle-blowing cases in FY 2023 was 58. (including the number of cases received by the Harassment Consultation Desk)

Unitika’s Whistleblower Contact Points

Harassment Consultation Services

We have set up a help desk at each office and Group companies regarding harassment at work, such as sexual harassment, power harassment, harassment in relation to pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and nursing care including maternity harassment, in order to detect and resolve harassment at an early stage.

The Guidelines Regarding the Prevention of Human Rights Violation such as Harassment at Unitika Group was established in 2012, and was revised in December 2016. As we broadly strive toward the prevention of harassment and the establishment of a workplace where all our employees can work comfortably, we have added the statements that sexual harassment cannot be allowed regardless of the victim’s sexual orientation and gender identity, and that it is considered as sexual harassment if there is any nonconsensual sexual statements or action, even if it is between people of the same sex.

Export Control

In the Unitika Group, export control managers appointed at our business sectors and Group companies carry out the management of daily export operations under the Export Control Committee, based on the Export Control Regulations. Unitika’s regulations have been registered in the CP of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) since 1988.

The Export Control Committee is in charge of security export control based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, other relevant laws and regulations, and international treaties with which Japan is required to comply, as well as the establishment of a regular control system, monitoring its operation, and providing education and awareness. The committee secretariat checks the status of management in each department through audits and other means, and works to ensure that the entire Group is aware of the Deemed Export Control so that there are no deficiencies in compliance. In FY 2023, all management-level staff were reminded of the importance of export control operations through export control training conducted by an external instructor.