Promote Diversity
In July 2022, the Unitika Group enacted the Unitika Diversity Management Policy. We are promoting diversity management and utilizing a variety of personnel to create new value.
Unitika Diversity Management Policy
1. Human Resources Education Policy
The Unitika Group is promoting diversity management by utilizing the differences among our varied personnel and maximizing their skills and potential to keep creating added-value.
2. Connection to our Management Vision
By practicing diversity management and enhancing our corporate value, we are aiming to be a “company that is continuously chosen by customers.”
3. Work Environment Maintenance Policy
In order to promote diversity management, the Unitika Group is making efforts to prepare a work environment that is motivating and satisfying for all employees. We are doing this by fostering a workplace culture where a diversity of personnel can respect each other and grow together, promoting a variety of work styles that meet each employee’s life plan, and actively supporting employees to learn independently.
4. Sustainability
We believe promoting these initiatives will facilitate work that is meaningful and humane (decent work) and correct inequalities, which is aligned with the basic position of the SDGs.
* A resolution of enactment was passed at the Unitika Ltd. Board of Directors meeting held on July 25, 2022.
Promotion of Women’s Participation
Training, and Reforming the Way of Thinking
In order to promote diversity, and particularly women’s participation in the workplace, we feel it is critical to reform the corporate culture. Based on this mindset, in addition to training sessions for management (including officers), we interview potential female managers and provide training for their superiors to raise motivation and support the career development of women in the workplace. Through these continuous efforts, we will move forward with reforming the way of thinking and raising the ratio of women in managerial positions.
Recruitment, Assignment, and Training and Education
For the employment of new graduates, we have set a numerical target for the ratio of female new recruits (career position) working at the head office, and we are implementing fair recruitment activities in compliance with the Employment Selection Guidelines issued by The Ministry of Health.
Number of people | Ratio (%) | |
Women in managerial positions | 27 | 5.5 |
Number of people | Ratio of females (%) | |||
Female | Male | Total | ||
Number of new employees | 15 | 43 | 58 | 25.9 |
Head office employees | 9 | 17 | 26 | 34.6 |
Production site employees | 5 | 25 | 30 | 16.7 |
Mid-career recruits | 1 | 1 | 2 | 50.0 |
Wage differences between male and female workers (%)* | |
Permanent full-time workers | |
Permanent full-time workers | |
Unitika Ltd. | 79.1 |
Nippon Ester Co., Ltd. | 72.4 |
Unitika Trading Co., Ltd. | 65.1 |
Unitika Textiles Co., Ltd. | 80.2 |
Unitika Glass Fiber Co., Ltd. | 74.8 |
Unitika Garment Technology Co., Ltd. | 70.1 |
* Calculated based on the provisions of the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64 of 2015).
As for the differences in wages between men and women, there are no differences in the wages between men and women in the same job classification; it depends on differences in the composition of the number of people in job classifications.
KPIs of Priority Issues (Materiality)
Ratio of women in managerial positions (entire Group, including overseas companies)
FY 2030 target: 20%
FY 2023 actual result: 5.5%
Ratio of female new recruits (career position) working at the head office (Unitika Ltd.)
FY 2030 target: 30%
FY 2023 actual result: 35%
Utilization of Diverse Human Resources
In the training we conduct at the time new recruits join the company and in level-specific education, we are fostering an the Unitika Group’s power, by accepting and recognizing the individual differences among employees, including employees who are currently child rearing or caregiving, or who are recovering from an illness, have disabilities, are from overseas, identify as LGBTQ+, or are young or elderly. On top of that, we actively utilize a diverse workforce and a recruit on a career basis (mid-career and return-to-work programs).
Recruitment of Foreign-born Staff
We will be able to demonstrate the strengths of having diverse sensitivities and an international atmosphere, which will also help to strengthen diversity in the company overall.
Post-retirement Rehiring
Those who wish to be rehired at the retirement age of 60 and are approved by the company are active in their respective workplaces, utilizing the knowledge and skills they have cultivated to train younger workers and pass on their skills.
Return Employment System
We have also set up the Return Employment System so that if a full-time employee is required to leave the company for unavoidable family reasons (marriage, child-rearing, caregiving, work transfer of spouse, etc.), and later that situation changes and they are able to return to work, that person has the chance to come back and work for Unitika, based on the mutual desire of both the individual and the company.
Employment of People with Disabilities
We are also actively accepting graduates from special-needs schools in the local communities and students from training schools as a part of our efforts to promote the employment of people with disabilities.
By providing a place of employment, we are not only contributing to local communities, but also creating an environment where each individual with disabilities can demonstrate their abilities as a part of our organization and also giving employees the chance to develop an understanding of diversity.
Ratio (%) | |
employees with disabilities | 2.45% |
Promoting a Variety of Work Styles
In order to promote the balance between employees’ work and private lives, we have implemented “no-overtime days” and introduced child-rearing leave, postnatal maternity leave, time off for sick/injured childcare, and time off for caregivers, all exceeding the legal requirements. For employees engaged in child rearing or caregiving and who request half-day paid leave very frequently, we have increased the maximum to 14 times (7 days) per year. We have also introduced shortened work hours for child-rearing, which is a system whereby employees with children who are 3 or older but have not completed the 3rd grade in elementary school can reduce their work time by one hour. Additionally, we are promoting the taking of child-rearing leave by male employees. And to further support a variety of work styles, we are preparing a flex-time system for some departments, as well as promoting remote work (working from home) and promoting decent work.
Employees may also take volunteer leave to expand their knowledge.
Childcare Support System
The Unitika Group has established systems related to childrearing to help employees balance work and family life, including a system for employees with a child between the ages of three and the end of the third grade of elementary school to shorten their working hours by one hour and a flexible working hours system. Return to work rate for childcare leave was 100% in FY 2023, and all employees who requested to return to work did so. We also encourage male employees to take paternity leave.
Male | Female | |||
Number of people | Ratio taking leave (%) | Number of people | Ratio taking leave (%) | |
FY 2019 | 3 | 6.1 | 10 | 100.0 |
FY 2020 | 3 | 8.1 | 5 | 100.0 |
FY 2021 | 15 | 36.6 | 10 | 111.1 |
FY 2022 | 19 | 52.8 | 8 | 66.7 |
FY 2023 | 23 | 71.9 | 14 | 127.3 |
* Tally of leave taken on a FY base
Ratio of women taking maternity leave (%) =
(Number of female employees who have taken child-rearing leave ÷ Number of female employees who have given birth) x 100
Ratio of men taking paternity leave (%) =
(Number of male employees who have taken child-rearing leave ÷ Number of male employees whose spouse has given birth) x 100
(Note) FY 2019 to FY 2022; 6 companies/Unitika Ltd.; Nippon Ester Co., Ltd.; Unitika Trading Co., Ltd.; Unitika Textiles Co., Ltd.; Unitika Glass Fiber Co., Ltd.; Unitika Garment Technology Co., Ltd. FY 2023 actual result/FY 2030 target: All domestic Group companies
KPIs of Priority Issues (Materiality)
Ratio of men taking paternity leave (All domestic Group companies)
FY 2030 target: 85%
FY 2023 actual result: 71.9%
Caregiver Support System
Although only one employee took caregiver leave in FY 2023, there are many employees who are responding to caregiving in ways that suit their individual needs, such as the time off for caregivers, paid leave, flex-time system, and remote working.
Volunteer Leave System
We have a “volunteer leave system” for participation in the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers program for the purpose of social contribution activities. A leave of absence of up to two years and four months is possible for those participants who intend to resume working after their period of participation.