Promotion System & Achievements

Sustainability Committee

In December 2021, we established the Sustainability Committee as an organization for overseeing our actions going forward in order to achieve the Unitika Group’s priority issues and the corresponding indexes (KPIs) and target values.
 The committee chairman is the Representative Director and President, Chief Executive Officer. The top management of each department, such as officers in charge of each segment, also participate in the discussions as committee members, so that we can move forward with our initiatives at a companywide level.

Sustainability Committee Sustainability Committee

The details of the discussions at the Sustainability Committee are reported to and approved by the Board of Directors. The committee members oversee all activities, and also take the lead in driving forward initiatives as KPIs managers.


To achieve the Unitika Group’s priority issues (materiality) and corresponding targets, indexes (KPIs), and target values

Members (7)

Representative Director and President (committee chairman), Director (in charge of Polymers Segment and Performance Materials Segment), Director (in charge of Fibers & Textiles Segment), Director (in charge of Legal & Compliance Department, Corporate Planning Department, Procurement & Logistics Department, Human Resources & General Affairs Department, Information Systems Department, and Sustainability Promotion Office), General Manager of Technology Management Division, General Manager of Global Business Promotion Division, President , Representative Director of Unitika Trading Co., Ltd.

Frequency of meetings

Once a year or more

Contents of discussions

  • Adequately assessing the Unitika Group’s priority issues and corresponding indexes (KPIs) and target values
  • Managing the progress of KPIs, and drafting measures for promoting KPIs
  • Reviewing sustainability-related matters such as the Sustainability Policy

Results of Sustainability Activities

In December 2020, we launched the Sustainable Business Promotion Project and formulated priority issues (materiality) and KPIs in order to fulfill the Group mission set out in the long-term vision of contributing to the SDGs with approaches to the "three types of living." In December 2021, we set up the Sustainability Committee as an organization for overseeing our actions going forward. The Sustainable Business Promotion Project ended with the establishment of the Sustainability Committee, and the matters reviewed by the project were transferred to the Sustainability Committee.

In FY 2022, the Sustainability Committee met three times to formulate the sustainability policy, check progress toward achieving targets, review some KPIs and targets, decide on participation in the GX League*, and discuss the sustainability roadmap.

In FY 2023, the Sustainability Committee met two times. In May, the committee reviewed progress from the previous year and set targets for FY 2023, and in November it reviewed some KPIs and their corresponding targets.

At the Sustainability Committee held in May for FY 2024, the committee reviewed progress toward achieving targets, assessed some KPIs, and established new targets for FY 2024.

* The GX (Green Transformation) League is a forum for reforming and innovating economic and social systems.
  It consists of a group of corporations that are working for goals such as carbon neutrality,
  and are aiming to realize sustainable growth, working in cooperation with government agencies and universities.
  It was established based on the GX League Basic Concept, which was announced by the Ministry of Economy,
  Trade and Industry (METI) in February 2022.

Results of Sustainability Activities Results of Sustainability Activities